Welcome to Lochcarron Community Gym

For full details:
We are delighted to introduce Lisa. She is an independent Personal Trainer now offering her services to gym members.
Please contact her directly to discuss your needs and her fees.
Updated 9th October 2024 !
Park Road, Lochcarron
Find us
– the last building on the left hand side.

06:00 am – 10:00 pm
06:00 am – 10:00 pm
06:00 am – 10:00 pm
06:00 am – 10:00 pm
06:00 am – 10:00 pm
06:00 am – 10:00 pm

About the GYM
We are a registered charity and company Limited by Guarantee.
Some years ago a plan was developed to promote the provision of a leisure facility to address the social and physical activity needs of the residents of the village and surrounding area.
A board of trustees representing a cross section of the community and users manages the business for the benefit of the community and not for profit. Volunteers assist by giving time and skills to the project.
We provide a community gym facility to enable people of all abilities to maintain their mobility and increase their fitness while supporting maintenance of good physical and mental health.

Free Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi will be available so that you can use your phone or tablet to listen to your own music while you exercise.

Our community gym has a variety of equipment for all abilities and regimes to enhance your fitness.

Group sessions
Specific sessions for women, men and seniors as well as club sessions for village sports teams to work out together!

Thank you to our supporters and sponsors.
This community project has only been made possible by the belief of our volunteers and their dedication in giving their commitment and time.
We are also deeply appreciative of the financial support from our generous sponsors and private donors without whom this project would not have been possible. We are grateful to each and every one of them for their support for and belief in this community.

We are immensely grateful to our wonderful volunteers …
Those noted below, each gave many days of their time to ensuring the gym project came to fruition.
In addition to those named, many other folk willingly gave their time and effort
to work groups and help with a multitude of tasks that needed a assistance.
Thank you all for making our Gym possible.