Lochcarron Leisure Centre Ltd.
Terms & Conditions for Membership of the Lochcarron Gym
1. This agreement commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this web sign up process. If you did not sign up on the clubs premises you have 14 full days after signup to cancel this agreement for any reason. To exercise this right you must inform Lochcarron Leisure Centre Ltd or the fitness centre /gym of this by post, email or telephone using the details below. You can use the cancellation form on page 2 of this document but it is not obligatory. If you exercise this right to cancel we will reimburse you all membership fee payments received from you using the same means of payment you used for the initial transaction. If you have used the service before requesting to cancel then we will reduce your membership fee refund by a pro rata amount equal to the number of days from signup to the date cancellation was requested.
2. Your membership starts immediately or on a date agreed at the time of registration.
3. You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges exercisable for the Type of Membership chosen.
4. There is no joining fee but deposit of £10 will be payable for an access card . This is refundable when returned or if you give up membership. Loss of the card will result in the loss of this deposit.
5. Membership subscription payment is due from you to us, is payable immediately and is not refundable other than due to cancellation under the Principal Terms above or in the event of breach or negligence by us.
6. The Direct Debit Payment Amount is due from you to us. You are obligated to make the Minimum No. of Direct Debit Payments stated with the first one being paid on the 1st Direct Debit Payment Date and then every month thereafter. You are obligated to make every Direct Debit Payment regardless of non attendance, except where the cancellation terms below (or under the Principal Terms) are met.
7. If you fail to pay any monies due under this agreement or if any Direct Debit is returned unpaid or any cheque is returned unpaid or if any other form of payment is not honoured for whatever reason, you shall pay us on demand an administration fee of £25 (which we require to cover our costs of seeking to pursue such payment from you).
8. You agree to advise us promptly of any change to the Members Details provided.
9 If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than thirty days, your membership will be cancelled and access to the facility denied to you.
10. Once you have completed the Minimum No. Of Direct Debit Payments we will automatically continue collecting the Direct Debit Payment Amount every month. Your membership will be extended by one month for each payment (“Renewal Period”). This renewal Direct Debit payment amount may only be amended if we advise you in writing giving not less than 30 days notice. Please note if your membership included the benefit of a free period then we will stop making collections during that free period and recommence making collections on the renewal date.
11. You may prevent the Automatic Renewal at any time by giving notice to us by email or in writing. (you should give us not less than 30 days notice). When the final minimum period payment has been taken you should also cancel your Direct Debit mandate directly with your bank.
12. Once you have completed the Minimum Number of Direct Debit payments you can cancel your Automatic Renewal payments by notifying us by email or in writing (you should give us not less than 30 days notice). After the final payment has been taken you should also cancel your Direct Debit mandate directly with your bank.
13. Long term (over 3 month) illness or injury: This agreement may be cancelled in the event of an illness, injury or medical condition which in the opinion of your doctor or other suitably qualified medical practitioner prohibits exercise for 3 months or longer.
14. Pregnancy: This agreement can be cancelled if you become pregnant and are required to cease exercise on medical advice.
15. Breach: This agreement can be cancelled if we are in breach of contract including if we .do not provide facilities or services you may reasonably expect and we have fallen well below that standard.
16. Temporary Illness or Injury: This agreement may be frozen in the event of a temporary illness, injury or medical condition which in the opinion of your doctor or other suitably qualified medical practitioner prohibits exercise for a period of time. A freeze period does not affect the Minimum No. of Direct Debit Payments you are due to make and any payments remaining at the time of the freeze will remain due and recommence on a monthly basis once the freeze period has completed.
18. You agree to comply with the Rules of Membership which are displayed prominently in the Club and on our website & app. These relate to opening hours, use of facilities and your conduct. We may make reasonable changes to these Rules at any time provided we give you reasonable advance notice of the change.
19. If we take no action or let you off any breach of this agreement or give you extra time to pay or comply, it will not stop us enforcing the terms of this agreement strictly at a future date.
20. We will do our best to resolve any disputes over this agreement. If you wish to take court proceedings against us you must do so within the United Kingdom. Relevant UK law will apply.
21. If any part of this agreement is disallowed or found to be ineffective by any court or regulator, the other provisions shall continue to apply
22. We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notice to you if you are in breach of the Clubs Rules (i.e. Stealing or other criminal activities within the facility). In this event you will not be liable to pay any further Direct Debit Payments, provided such breach is not deemed by us to have occurred primarily in order to qualify you for a refund.
Cancellation Form: Email: lochcarrongym@gmail.co.uk
I/We [*] hereby give notice that I/We [*] cancel my/our [*] agreement for the supply of the service administered by Lochcarron Leisure Centre Ltd.
Membership Reference number W__________________________________
Signup date: ____________________________________________________
Name of member: _______________________________________________
Address of member:______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper):
_______________________________________________ Date: _________